
main site

home - index/precursor to mainpage
homebase - the actual homepage
about me - about me, daedrms, and a few social links!
creative zone - hub for the creative spaces on daedrms

doodles - a place for my art
writing - for non-glass halo writings


music - view featured songs & monthly recaps!
games - explore the games i've played!

& more - where the nice & neat vibe of daedrms comes to die

tamagotchi - my interest & small collection!
vct - my fav esport!

webmap & resources - you're here now!
colorsplash - my webring!
guestbook - leave a message!


these are pages that are not maintained! these are simply ways to access what remains of the older sites from 2023 and 2024!

daedrms 1.0 - what remains of the o.g. page.
daedrming! - what remains of daedrming!

Log Archive

this is an index for previous events!

album of the month

Jan 2025 - Going Through it, Eliza McLamb


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other site buttons


if yours is missing, please email me!


assets made by me

please do not use anything related to my logos, otherwise feel free to snag any of these! all images are resized for this list to a height of 64, and may display weird due to this! i used a flipnote studio brushset & krita for most of these. just credit my page & lmk!


all headings are "Daydreams" (coincidence!), the font you're currently reading is "Gaegu".