What is Valorant Champions Tour?

say hello to my favorite "sport", i've been watching since the early tournaments in 2020, and now we're hitting our fifth year of valorant (which is insane.) i have been a sentinels hater since day 1, and then immediately latched to my favorite IGL, Boaster, whos spent his time on FNC for 5 years as one of the most iconic players (and the only player to win a tournament and start twerking).

2025 events

current event!
completed event!

AMER Kickoff
EMEA Kickoff
PACIF Kickoff
CN Kickoff

Masters Bangkok

AMER Stage 1
EMEA Stage 1
PACIF Stage 1
CN Stage 1

Masters Toronto

AMER Stage 2
EMEA Stage 2
PACIF Stage 2
CN Stage 2

Champions 2025


teams i luv

FNATIC - Day 1 fan! RIP FNC Derke :c i have opinions on their current roster, but oh my GOD Woaster is clutching.

PRX - fan since the benkai days, never thought something would be this much of a beast