recent piccie! (jan 2025)
hi, i'm nora! i'm a current psychology student (dual major in comp-sci, but we don't talk about her as much oops) and an avid researcher! i'm currently involved with research and i actively read articles in my free time (when i have the energy). i've got a bunch of hobbies; writing, web-design, doodling, makeup, gaming, photography, etc! you'll get to see a few here obviously, but i never have enough time for all of them, or to document everything! there's a lotttttt :p
i had always had an interest in having my own website since i was a kid-- i grew up exploring but never having the time, energy, or desire to craft a website. in 2023 i decided i wanted to change that, and thus birthed daedrms! it's had a blurry "purpose" the past two years. originally it was meant to primarily host my writing (which is now hosted on my substack, glass halo
) then, i really got sucked into the whole customizing thing. so for a bit you had daedrms and daedrming!, one mobile friendly, one not. it got confusing, messy, and exhausting! i took a break for nearly a year and here we are, daedrms 3.0, a mobile friendly page that still has all the energy of daedrming!, with a goal to make everything! of mine available here!
age: 21
sexuality: ⚢
sign: ☼ taurus \ ☾ leo
home: NC, USA
education: psychology
email me!
i'm pretty chatty, and always love hearing about other queer stories around the world! i have some social media, but it lays unused these days, so it's best to just email!