tags: classes, website, side projects
I've decided to scrap all my old blog posts. A lot of them felt irratic, but not in a fun or "quirky" way, but more a self destructive way. So here we are, first day of my spring semester. I'm taking on a decently heavt workload, and it's also a mmore traditional class style (exam/quiz oriented compared to project/homework based that I've become used to from my last 5 semesters). I also hope I like one of my professors, being I have her for two of my classes. I wanted to keep everything in the morning but one of my classes is at 2pm. I'm kinda bummed about it but I'm going to attempt to not let it get in the way of enjoying the classes. I have three jobs now, and I've gotten a new camera (EOS 90D, it's dope!) I worry I've taken on too much, and maybe I have. Only time will tell really.
From a fresh start, Nora xoxo