happy trans day of visibility! i'm so excited to finally be starting my first dose (albeit some people have been rather impolite on dictating how i should be transitioning but whatevs!) I have my tblock in the morning and my estrogen in the evening. either way i'm happy to be starting this slow and steady process that'll take years but hey, i've got patience. i'll love myself more than yesterday, and less than tomorow.
also! don't worry i haven't forgotten my two pieces today. glitter shines through is simply going to be like a journal after the estridol this evening (so really just look for it tomorrow being i'll probably post it around 9pm EST!) toodles!
god i love spring. days get longer with more stuff to do, i get to restyle my outfits, so much stuff. only downside really is the warmth (i faint, pretty heat sensitive!) and allergies. i'm loving my current classes right now, since most are research focused (and i loveeeee research) so i've been basically bouncing off the walls enjoying it. accessible research is super important to me. most people should be able to get access to research and easily digest the content within 3 reads, no matter their experience with the subject (this is for like most research, worst case scenario you have to read the supporting writing). i'm considering working on a piece around trans research and the unfortunate albeit common fetishization of trans people to justify research. anyways, i'm scatterbrained as hell right now, hope everyone's doing well!
despite never really celebrating it with anyone, i absolutely adore valentine's day. maybe it's my obsession with hearts, or an excuse to do makeup, but i absolutely adore it! i love the concept of just admiring or expressing love/compassion. i even got a card from someone yesterday! we'd been talking for a bit and it was just so cute aaaah! it made me smile so so so so so so much. i don't really have much to say other than that, happy v-day everyone!